Friday, 18 June 2010 07:13 Posted by about me
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Sunday, 6 June 2010 20:18 Posted by about me
Kelom geulis
Comments: (0)Kelom geulis taken from Sundanese language is the local language Tasikmalaya (West Java), which means it is a beautiful wooden sandals. The form is beautiful with interesting carvings, making this much-loved women's sandals women. The maker of the craftsmen in Tasikmalaya, West Java. Tasikmalaya residents call this lady slippers Kelom Geulis.The stories, crafts Kelom geulis appear around the thirties and many are produced as a home industry. Numerous in the central production Kersanegara Village, Mulyasari, Setiamulya, Sukahurip and Sumelap or in Keamatan Cibeureum and Taman sari. In addition there are also many areas Linggajaya Mangkubumi district. Kelom geulis characteristic mahogany with carved and unique embroidery Tasikmalaya, mahogany wood and then cut to shape Kelom will be made. Furthermore, planed wood so shaped footwear. Shavings process is done manually by skilled craftsmen who have, so the pair produced Kelom not differ in size. Wood that has been planed and trimmed with a machete. This work must be done carefully because it is a result of the job at hand. Pieces of wood that has been shaped footwear then dried by drying under the hot sun. When the rainy season, drying process carried out with the help of the oven. Furthermore, the material that has been dried mashed Kelom using grinding, making it look its wood fiber. Material Kelom then given priming. Priming is aimed at eliminating the pores of wood, then painted in a way Kelom material is sprayed. Kelom material that has been painted and then dried. After drying, the material formed Kelom making it look more beautiful. As binding to the foot, Kelom given string. Various types of ropes made specifically for this kelom geulis. There's even a unique form of embroidery Tarlac.
Saturday, 5 June 2010 07:45 Posted by about me
Geringsing Cloth
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Tuesday, 25 May 2010 01:31 Posted by about me
Kasongan Earthenware
Comments: (0)One regional shopping destination souvenirs in Yogyakarta is in Kasongan, Bantul. This area is famous for its pottery cottage industry. Audiences who may not understand is the land that made pottery at Kasongan is not a ground Kasongan, but (one) of land from Godean, west of Yogyakarta. Strangely in Godean own, the land engineered form of roof tiles and in Kasongan become household appliances. The character of this rugged land and the high sand content, is also not able to be engineered for high fire techniques, such as glazes hot combustion requires more than 1000 degrees Celsius. Yogyakarta soil will crack at temperatures over 800 degrees Celsius. Therefore, these products tend to be thick and Kasongan is growing outdoor products.Kasongan Earthenware become more attractive in line with the development of the lifestyle and the influence of the buyer from outside of Yogyakarta or Indonesia. Still not far from the original barrel, pot, and others to into a barrel and pots bali style, Japanese style, Chinese style, and emerged a new design such as lamp shades, pucukan roof, with a variety of styles. All new style almost without polish pottery aka Raw , but the local style painted colors still exist by using various techniques such as in brush, scraped, resulting paint, etc.. Ceramic pottery enthusiasts say this kind - which is painted - a low value and old fashioned. But local aesthetic move. Yogyakarta land is different wih soil Malang, East Java, or Sukabumi in West Java, which can directly be burned with high temperature was so taken from the rivers. Instinct to decorate, beautify, and entertaining always move with the development of mankind and the dynamics habitualnya. Soil characteristic Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta society that is open and dynamic, the desire to imitate the creative power that make Yogyakarta always longed to visit again.
Saturday, 22 May 2010 06:21 Posted by about me
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Flowers made from cornhusk equally beautiful of flowers made from plastic or other materials. Making process cornhusk flower is basically not hard, just takes patience. Cornhusk initially boiled corn in boiling water. then dried until half dry. For the next process is the coloring. This coloring process of hot water mixed with dye and inserted klobot for about 15 minutes and then dried. Once dry, these colored klobot already assembled into dried flowers or other disposable items such as hood-food, delivery boxes.
Friday, 21 May 2010 05:44 Posted by about me
Asmat Sculpture
Comments: (0)Asmat sculpture which is the original wood carving works in the district of Asmat, Papua was already famous beauty to all corners of the world, especially among antique collectors of cultural goods. Asmat sculpture created as a true custom and religious ritual equipment Asmat residing in the interior of Papua. Therefore, the collector who wants to get the original sculpture must be willing to penetrate the forest interior. Hard struggle that makes the selling price of Asmat sculpture soared. Asmat tribe in Papua has been known to carve the world with skills since 1700. Asmat Art at the carving is a form of belief in ancestral spirits. According to tradition, once symbolized asmat ancestor in the form of sculpture and carvings. The sculptures are made by rough and once used in certain religious ceremonies and then left in a swamp. This is a manifestation of the spirits who live to maintain the forest and sago palm tree which is the main food source of the Asmat people in Papua. In the Dutch colonial era, Asmat sculpture judged as primitive objects and the form of trust against evil spirits, would eventually become known and stored in a number of museums in the world.
Thursday, 20 May 2010 00:50 Posted by about me
Geulis Umbrella (beautiful umbrella) of Tasikmalaya
Comments: (0)Tuesday, 18 May 2010 20:16 Posted by about me
Coconut shell
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Who would have thought to capitalize on the modified shell waste with other ingredients makes this product a valuable art and preferably. Coconut shell crafts to be lots souvenirs with a variety of forms. Ranging from women's accessories such as tongs, photo frame, to household items like spoons and bowls.
With the touch of a very fine art, handicrafts, coconut shell looks very artistic. Even the results of this coconut shell crafts can be a variety of bags of various shapes (models) and sizes, various forms of model rail curtains, lamp cup, cap, beads/buttons, and others.
The materials needed to make a craft from coconut shell is quite easy to get, such as glue, wood, coconut shell, putty, melamine, sandpaper and paint. In addition texwood framework is also needed to be made craft products such as small tables and cabinets plastered exterior coconut shell. To make it look artistic, fiber from coconut shell must find, because of the inherent fiber strength and artistic value
19:49 Posted by about me
Bali silver
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04:27 Posted by about me
Water hyacinth
Comments: (0)Water hyacinth is a plant that floats on the surface of the water, have thick leaves and "bubbles" that make it float. Water hyacinth grows in shallow ponds, wet lands and swamps, slow streams, lakes, water reservoirs and river. Water hyacinth including monocotyl class, order Eichhornia crassipes, is a very rapid plant breeding. For many people the water hyacinth plant is known as a kind of water plant which on the face just looks dirty pool or lake. But the truth of these plants can be produced in various forms of handicraft goods unsightly and useful like a table, chairs,bag and rose vase up. Making handicrafts is preceded by drying the stems - stems removed water hyacinth leaves under the hot sun. After the dried water hyacinth threaded rods one by one and then braided to reach two meters in length. From these braids dry stems with a variety of handicraft products made of different shapes
03:06 Posted by about me
Banana Midrib
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Sunday, 16 May 2010 21:24 Posted by about me
Bali Songket
Comments: (0)Bali songket fabric made from cotton and silk, woven with gold or silver threads. Songket bali using various motifs such as flowers forms, sacred symbols, or symbols of puppet characters. The process of weaving a single strand of songket take up four months. Songket Bali Island communities are usually used for special religious ceremonies such as weddings and ceremonies of cutting teeth.
21:08 Posted by about me
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Saturday, 15 May 2010 21:37 Posted by about me
Samarinda Sarong
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00:46 Posted by about me
Flores Woven Tie
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Friday, 14 May 2010 19:18 Posted by about me
Comments: (0)Blangkon actually other forms of headgear made from batik fabrics used in men as a part of Javanese traditional clothes blangkon For some types there that use a lump on the back blangkon called mondholan. Mondholan this indicates that the male hair models who often tie their long hair in the back of the head, so that the protruding section in the back Blangkon. Hair coil should be tight so that there is not easily separated. No historical records that could explain the origin of Javanese men wearing headbands or headscarves ini.There is one interesting story about Blangkon which states that any use of blangkon an influence, Hindu and Islamic culture absorbed by people Java. According to experts, the Islamic people who go to Java, which consists of two ethnic Chinese descendants from Mainland China and the merchants of Gujarat. Gujarat traders are people of Arab descent, they always wore a turban, the length and width of cloth tied around their heads. This turban is to inspire java people to wear headgear like those of arab descent
02:39 Posted by about me
Comments: (0)Words derived from the Javanese Batik means writing. Batik is one art form on the fabric images using a material known as wax or wax-resist technique of batik dyeing. The originally built on top of the white linen cloth called mori cloth, at this time also made with silk, polyester, rayon or synthetic material. Batik is very rapid progres not only batik wax made using materials and equipment called a canting, but also is also made with other manufacturing techniques such as stamp batik, printing batik, Painting batik and silk screening well